Molly Pitcher Stitchers

Chapter Policies and Procedures

Policy and Procedures Statement of the Molly Pitchers Stitchers Chapter Embroiderers’ Guild of America
March 1989 and as revised through January 2023

The Molly Pitcher Stitchers Chapter (hereafter referred to as chapter) of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America (hereafter referred to as EGA) has set forth in this Statement of Policy and Procedures the duties of all elected officers and standing committee chairs, and includes general and fiscal policies.  The policy statement is revised and approved by the chapter’s board (hereafter referred to as board).
The board consists of all elected officers, the past president, standing committee chairs:  outreach, membership, newsletter, program, publicity, historian, librarian, web master, welcome table, and conservation. 
All members of the board have one (1) vote except past president.
Board meetings are open to the general membership with a courtesy telephone call to the president.

I.  Duties of Elected Officers

A.  President –

  1. Presides at all chapter and board meetings.
  2. Prepares an agenda for chapter and board meetings.
  3. Calls meetings of the board.
  4. Appoints all chairs of standing and special committees with the approval of the board.
  5. Sees that orders and resolutions of the board are carried out.
  6. Discharges any other duties required by the board, the Mid-Atlantic Region (hereinafter referred to as region) or by EGA’s national office.
  7. Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
  8. Delegates responsibilities to the elected officers and committee chairs.
  9. Stays current with EGA and region bylaws and is prepared to answer questions regarding same.
  10. Relays news, for example in the form of The President’s Message, to the editor of the newsletter prior to the deadline.
  11. Reads and responds promptly to all correspondence from other chapters, the region, and EGA, and provides copies of information to the appropriate officers or committee chairs.
  12. Keeps the president’s chapter files current.
  13. Maintains master calendar of all chapter and region events to prevent conflicts in the schedule.
  14. Sends national and region reports on time – sees that other officers do the same.
  15. Signs all contracts as the legal representative of the chapter.
  16. Attends and votes at National Annual Meeting or delegates an official representative.
  17. Maintains secretary’s emergency contact form.
  18. Reviews and updates, if necessary, the President’s Welcome for the website.
  19. Decides if meetings are cancelled and informs the membership.  Assures members without email are notified.
  20. Approves press releases.
  21. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  22. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

B. Vice President –<
1. The vice president serves in the absence of the president to exercise and discharge such duties as may be required. In the event of the president’s refusal or inability to act, the vice president will assume the presidency.
2. Serves as a member of the board.
3. Is familiar with chapter bylaws, policies, procedures, and reporting forms.
4. Serves in any capacity as requested by the president.
5. Serves also as education chair:
A) May receive education material from region and headquarters.
B) Provides membership and newslet ter editor with information on EGA educational programs, such as:
a. Annual EGA seminar
b International Embroidery Conference
c. Group Correspondence Courses 4. Independent Correspondence Courses
d. Extended Study Programs
e. EGA Certification Programs
f. Master Craftsman Programs
g. Fiber Forum
h. Grants, Awards, and Scholarship Opportunities
C ) Informs chapter members, in meetings and newsletter, of all individual educational achievements.
D) Conducts interest surveys for correspondence courses.
E) Copes with the mechanics of chapter correspondence courses, including choice, sign-up, costs, place, and time.
F) Maintains a file of chapter education events.
G) Provides historian with an annual electronic summary of chapter’s education programs.
6. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
7. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

C.  Secretary –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Serves as the 2nd member who is knowledgeable of pertinent access information to all electronic accounts.
  3. Records the minutes at board meetings. Incorporates all relevant information from chapter meetings including decisions and votes into the minutes. Promptly distributes copies of the minutes to the board and region director.
  4. Records all motions made including full names of those who made the motion and the result of the vote.
  5. Writes correspondence for the president if requested.
  6. Reports change of officers to headquarters immediately.
  7. Recognizes that minutes are the permanent, formal, official record of the chapter business; accuracy counts.
  8. Maintains archival file of chapter minutes.
  9. Maintains file of all board member and electronic account emergency contact forms.  Secretary contact form is maintained by the president.
  10. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the president.
  11. Provides historian with an electronic copy of all minutes of the board meetings.
  12. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office, including the archival file of chapter minutes.

D.  Treasurer –

  1. Serves as a member of the board. 
  2. Serves as custodian of the general funds of the chapter.
  3. Receives and disburses all chapter funds upon receipt of vouchers.
  4. Submits monthly reports at board meetings.
  5. Serves as chair of the budget committee.  Prepares the annual budget.  Submits draft of budget to the board.  Submits final budget to the board.
  6. Pays region and EGA renewal dues annually via membership chair.
  7. Remits region and EGA dues of new members immediately via membership chair.
  8. Submits annual financial report to EGA headquarters by February 15.
  9. Maintains spending within budget.
  10. Schedules and arranges payment if necessary for meetings and events, etc.
  11. Keeps financial records in a format that makes it easy to fill out the annual EGA financial report.
  12. Cooperates in annual audit of treasury books.
  13. Maintains that all funds go through chapter treasury.
  14. Assists successor as needed in gathering documents necessary to obtain new signature cards, etc.
  15. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  16. Provides historian with an electronic copy of the annual financial report.
  17. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office, including the archival file of chapter minutes.

E.  Region Representative –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Serves as chapter representative to Mid-Atlantic Board of Directors’ region meetings, casts chapter’s vote, and voices chapter’s opinion. If unable to attend, sends an authorized substitute.
  3. Reports on region meetings to board and membership at meetings and through newsletter.
  4. Acts as chapter information source on region educational programs, such as:
  1. Is familiar with region and EGA rules and policies, and is aware of resources and sees that appropriate chapter officers have this information.
  2. Reads and processes all region mailings promptly, filing originals, but giving copies to appropriate people.
  3. Shares chapter accomplishments, achievements, and projects of interest to the region.
  4. Sends chapter information to region newsletter editor.
  5. Informs region director and region secretary of name-address-telephone changes of board members.
  6. Is familiar with MAR Officers’ Handbook and its electronic updates.
  7. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  8. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

F.  Past President – (a non-voting member of the board)

  1. Assists the new president in obtaining a smooth transition which fosters continuity and administrative effectiveness.
  2. Is available to inform and advise the president and other officers on matters which occurred in the past or on proper procedure.
  3. Serves as parliamentarian.
  4. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.

II.  Duties of Standing Committee Chairs

A.  Outreach –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Proposes outreach projects to board for membership.
  3. Coordinates agreed upon projects.
  4. Reports on progress at board and chapter meetings and in newsletter.
  5. Reports the chapter projects, e.g., conservation, exhibits, and Stitch in Public Days, to region outreach chair.
  6. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  7. Provides historian with an annual electronic copy of the reports submitted to region.
  8. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

B.  Membership –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Actively recruits new members for the chapter.
  3. Prepares and has new member packets available at chapter meetings.
  4. Provides new member information and changes to membership list immediately to all members.
  5. Reports new members’ information to chapter newsletter editor, region, and headquarters (with appropriate dues) immediately.  New plural members are not reported to region and headquarters.
  6. Issues membership cards (obtain blank cards free by request from headquarters).
  7. Serves as one of three members of the nominating committee.
  8. Contacts non-renewing members to encourage renewal.
  9. Transfers money to chapter treasurer upon receipt of dues.
  10. Is not responsible for notifying national office of any member’s change of address or claims of missing issues of Needle Arts.  This is the responsibility of each member.
  11. Purchases chapter pins.
  12. Presents chapter pin to new members.
  13. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  14. Provides historian with an electronic copy of the final year end (May) membership list.
  15. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

C.  Newsletter –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Prepares copy, proofreads, and reproduces newsletter.  May solicit assistance in proofreading from other members.
  3. Keeps the newsletter mailing list current (coordinates with membership chair).
  4. Prepares and mails newsletter (both electronic and paper copy).  For paper copies include updated membership list.
  5. Sends newsletters to all chapter members, region director, region newsletter editor, other chapters’ newsletter editors in the region and advertisers.
  6. Utilizes EGA newsletter guidelines, and obtains signed release forms as needed before printing or reprinting copyrighted material.
  7. Is aware of possible copyright infringement and copyright issues and does not infringe on copyrights.
  8. Sets deadlines for information for the newsletter and adheres to schedule.
  9. Maintains two electronic archival files (doc. and pdf) of issues.
  10. Solicits ads and keeps current financial records, and prepares advertising copy.
  11. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  12. Provides historian with electronic copies of newsletter.
  13. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

D.  Program –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Proposes programs for the following year for the chapter at planning session.  Keeps ongoing list of future program ideas.
  3. Obtains teachers, and if necessary, makes contractual arrangements which the president signs; determines costs with aid of teacher for monthly programs of the chapter, subject to the approval of the board.
  4. Approximately two or three weeks prior to each meeting, confirms program with the presenter and offers assistance.  Arrives early at the meeting site to assist the presenter in any way and may assist after the program.  Introduces the presenter.
  5. Sends written notice of the upcoming programs to the newsletter editor and publicity chair.
  6. Assists treasurer in collecting monies for programs.
  7. May survey members of the chapter periodically to obtain information to be used in planning future programs.
  8. Holds unused kits.
  9. Procures hostess gifts when appropriate at chapter functions.
  10. Maintains historical program file (currently Excel) and other documentation for reference.
  11. Proposes with the education chair GCCs and summer workshops.
  12. Coordinates with the education chair selected GCCs and summer workshops.
  13. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  14. Provides historian an annual electronic copy of the chapter’s project list.
  15. Instructs successor  and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

E.  Publicity –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Is knowledgeable of the local newspapers, radio, and TV stations as venues for chapter publicity.
  3. Listens to board members to discern possible publicity opportunities in conjunction with the board’s activities.
  4. Keeps the chapter president informed and gets approval of the president before any press releases are distributed.
  5. Prepares and submits notices of chapter meetings, programs, tours, exhibits, and special events to the above sources in a timely manner.
  6. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  7. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

F.  Historian –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Maintains a history of the chapter which includes the following:
  1. Keeps the physical archives from the early years of the chapter.
  2. Completes a emergency contact form ad submits it to the secretary.
  3. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

G.  Librarian –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Maintains the chapter collection via subject arrangement; uncatalogued items are kept in pamphlet boxes in an orderly fashion.
  3. Maintains a listing (author, title, subject) of the collection and provides the webmaster this data for inclusion on chapter website.  Also paper copy of catalog is with the collection.
  4. Maintains a file of borrowed items, encouraging return on the due dates, reminds members of items when two (2) months overdue.
  5. Informs membership of new additions to the collection via the newsletter.  Gift items are marked with the donor’s name and are acknowledged in the newsletter.
  6. Outdated items are removed from library holdings subject to board approval.
  7. Library policy is established by the board and currently has the following guidelines:
  1. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  2. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

H.  Webmaster –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Keeps the chapter website current with program information and information about the region and the EGA.
  3. Monitors the Zoom account and sets up Zoom meetings in a timely fashion and sends invitation out to the membership.
  4. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  5. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

I.  Welcome Table –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Arrives at least one half-hour prior to the start of the chapter meeting.
  3. Sets up welcome table with appropriate materials. 
  4. Helps to set up the room as necessary for the program, utilizing the help of member volunteers, delegating as necessary.
  5. Collects moneys in the treasurer’s absence.
  6. Coordinates the sign-up sheets for upcoming events with the program chair.  At the close of the meeting helps restore the room to order and pack up the welcome table materials.
  7. Provides new members and guests with name tags.
  8. Coordinates incentive prize programs.
  9. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.
  10. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  11. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

J.  Conservation –

  1. Serves as a member of the board.
  2. Coordinates conservation activities with the Cumberland County Historical Society’s appropriate person to determine what needlework or related items require funding.
  3. Maintains a detailed list of projects with the Cumberland County Historical Society.
  4. Provides as required a report to the outreach chair.
  5. Completes an emergency contact form and submits it to the secretary.
  6. Provides historian an annual electronic copy of the list of projects completed.
  7. Instructs successor and passes on all information pertaining to the office.

III. Elections

A.  Nominating Committee – The nominating committee shall consist of three members, one of whom is the membership chair.  The board will elect all committee members, including the committee chair.  The committee will be elected annually at the first board meeting of the year.  The committee will report to the board in March, and present a slate to the membership at the April chapter meeting.  Voting by the membership will take place at the May chapter meeting and installation of new officers will be at the June picnic.
B.  Elections – In odd-numbered years the president, vice president, and the region representative shall be elected..  In even-numbered years the secretary and treasurer shall be elected.

  1. A majority vote of members present shall constitute election of officers.
  2. A member shall have only one vote per ballot in an election.

IV.  General Policies

  1. Guests may attend two (2) chapter meetings and stitch-ins for two (2) months before declaring membership.
  2. All reserved kits (for programs, workshops, or classes), both paid and unpaid, will become chapter property if unclaimed after three (3) months from the date the kit was to be used.  Unused kits to be held by program chair.  Disposal may be through stash sale.
  3. The chapter newsletter, Get the Pitcher? Will be published twelve (12) times a year.  Alternating issues will not contain advertising information.
  4. In the event of snow if the Carlisle School District is closed or dismissed early the chapter’s meeting will be canceled.  President will notify the membership and an announcement will be on the website. In the event the Carlisle School District does not make an announcement the president will determine meeting cancellation. 
  5. Board is responsible for paper products and beverages for the holiday party and the annual picnic. 
  6. Appreciation gifts for chapter service are at the discretion of officer or committee chair and at the giver’s expense.
  7. Board members may send out information relating to their duties to all members.
  8. Members may use membership list to send needlework or member related information to any or all members.
  9. Documents are to be retained in accordance with the EGA Document Retention and Destruction Policy.
  10. Stitch ins can be organized by the chapter or individual members.  They need to be announced in the newsletter and website. 
  11. Member needlework projects may be exhibited during the Show and Tell portion of the chapter meeting.
  12. A designated member will establish and monitor a Facebook page.
  13. A designated member will establish and monitor a chapter email account.
  14. Policy Procedures for Virtual Meetings – Notice goes out to all regarding entering and participation in the meeting.  The group has to establish a method for determining the presence of a quorum, how all can hear one another, methods for seeking recognition, and obtaining the floor, means by which motion may be submitted and methods for verifying votes.  If substituting an electronic meeting for an official chapter meeting all members must be notified of the meeting.
  15. There are to be two (2) members who are knowledgeable of pertinent access information to all online accounts.  Any member administrating an online account completes an emergency contact form that will be held by the secretary.  The secretary by virtue of maintaining the emergency contact forms becomes the 2nd member who is knowledgeable of pertinent access information to all online accounts.

V.  Fiscal Policies

  1. The Chapter will reimburse expenses to the region representative at the current IRS non-profit organization rate per mile plus tolls, parking fees, and up to a maximum one-half the actual room rate for one night’s lodging per meeting.  The same fee will apply for any chapter member conducting chapter or regional business at region meetings in lieu of the regional representative.
  2. Chapter dues are collected to coincide with EGA dues collection (EGA dues year June through May).  New member chapter dues are prorated based on the quarter in which they are due in relation to May 31.  The quarter beginning in March being full amount
  3. Plural dues are equal to chapter dues minus EGA dues and must include region dues if primary membership is not within the Mid-Atlantic Region.
  4. Newsletter.  All unpaid advertising will be dropped after two (2) issues.  Ads run for six (6) issues.  All advertising is $20 a year for a business card sized advertisement to be published in alternate issues of the newsletter. Members of the chapter may place an advertisement offering needlework skills or materials for personal gain for one issue at a cost of $10.  The ad must be submitted to the board for approval prior to publication. 
  5. Members signing up for correspondence courses must pay in full when signing up.  Also members who cancel must find their own replacement if there is no waiting list from which to draw.  Members signing up for correspondence courses must pay in full at the time of sign-up.  Should cancellation after sign-up become necessary member is responsible for providing a replacement or the cost of the program, providing a waiting list is unavailable.
  6. Honorarium.  When arranging for a presentation of a program the presenter’s fee/donation/honorarium must be determined and agreed upon in advance.
  7. Anyone desiring to participate in a program must pay in full for the kit at the time of sign-up.
  8. Outreach program will have a working budget of $125.
  9. Compensation may be made to the facilities where our meetings are held, either by fee or donation.
  10. Conservation projects are funded by stash sales.
  11. As of January 28, 2021 the Conservation Fund and Scholarship Fund have been placed in separate accounts, whatever gave better rates.  This reflects a more accurate accounting of the checking account.
  12. Scholarship fund was established with $10,000 with the intent for members to attend the National Seminar 2016.  The intent was that there was a three (3) year time frame for the recipient “paying back” in service or in cash to the chapter or region for the grant they received.  Future use of this money for an event will be determined by the board,
  13. Chapter purchases chapter pins.  Pins are presented to new members.